Determining What’s True and What’s False, part one
A friend from high school posed the question on facebook, “How can one determine truth?” Here’s part one of my response (after I made...
God, Vengeance, and Justice for His People
Received this question on Jeremiah 47-48, in which God assures His people that He will, indeed, be just, accomplishing justice in the...
Macro-Evolution: a solid, fact-driven conclusion?
From a recent agreement with a friend on facebook: John Musgrave, I am regularly flummoxed that geneticists, microbiologists, MDs,...
What is Now Looked for in a Church.
A pastor friend of mine in California posted this. I quadruple hearted it, and once again was thankful for our church—a group of people...
Today (good news in part!), "meditating" is in vogue. 25 years back, you would've been considered a nut to do it. Now it's addressed as...
Without Guilt: When to Pray
6. When to pray. First, you might want to set a time (you don’t have to; a “prayer time” is not commanded in the Bible, as it is in the...
How to Pray
5. How to pray. My recommendation for you on the “how do I pray?” front is to take the Lord’s prayer—use Matthew 6:9ff (“ff” means...
"Prayer Life" (& Feeling Guilty)
If you're like me (and every other Christian), you often feel guilty about prayer. Who can ever pray enough? It's like evangelism. I...